S.A Lour Engineering LTD



S.A Lour Engineering LTD

S.A Lour Engineering LTD is an engineering company specializing in quality control for construction projects. Our goal is to help performing contractors avoid mistakes, maintain high quality standards, and minimize repetitive work. With our expertise and adherence to ISO 9001, we ensure the best suppliers, materials, and work teams are utilized. Through ongoing supervision and reporting, we guarantee exceptional results.

The quality control of SA Lor Engineering helps the performing contractor to avoid mistakes, maintain maximum quality, and reduce the amount of repetitive work to a minimum. As the body entrusted with the quality in the project, we build an individual quality control plan, which is a guiding document, and in which the main work and control processes are defined. As part of the preliminary control phase, we examine and approve suppliers, materials and work teams in a very strict manner and according to the requirements of the quality management standard ISO 9001. In the ongoing control phase, we supervise the execution of the works, document the procedure and report to the relevant authorities.

the Details for us, quality control goes beyond the scope of supervision. Our professional teams help solve issues that arise on the site, and perform a variety of essential tests that help advance the project in the right direction. With the strict quality control of SA Lor Engineering, the contractor only benefits. Everyone benefits.

Our principles

Quality Control Excellence

Efficiency and Minimization

Strict Compliance and Documentation

We strive for excellence in quality control, ensuring that every aspect of the project meets the highest standards.

We focus on minimizing repetitive work and maximizing efficiency, saving time and resources for our clients.

We adhere strictly to quality management standards, ensuring compliance and thorough documentation throughout the project.

Salah Muhammad Amira

Meet the company Founder

Get in touch


Jerusalem - 9703348 , Ibn Masoud.st





Sunday - Friday
8am - 6pm